Welcome to version 9.0.0 of the SecurePark enforcement app. We've added some brand new features and enhanced existing logic to make enforcing a breeze. To see the improvements we've made, follow along below as we take you through the new app. As always, feel free to contact us at support@securepark.io if you have any questions or feedback!
The first change you'll see is on the main screen once you've logged in. The first step to enforcing is now to simply search for - or select - your location from the drop down list.
On the location list page, we've also made a few changes. The location name is shown at the top. To the right of it is a refresh button - or, you can pull down on the page to refresh the page.
We've kept the same Plate Search near the top, and the handy Issue Violation button to the right.
We've also added new colors to the cards.
Green means an active session
Red means an expired session
Yellow means the session is expiring soon
Blue means the session is an active permit
Grey means you've typed in a plate and no session has been pulled up
Like before, to issue a violation you can either click on a card or type in the plate number and hit the Issue Violation button. You will be taken to the plate details screen, which remains mainly the same but also includes an Alert tab which will be used to alert you to vehicles assigned to be towed or booted.
As before, the Issue Violation button is at the bottom to continue.
The changes made to the violation issuance process are designed to simplify the process. The different areas of the violation are sectioned off based on the vehicle information, the location, and then finally the violation info, and you are able to track your progress near the top of the page.
We've added an optional Plate Expiry Month and Year field (under Vehicle information). You are also now able to search on each of these fields to limit the amount of scrolling you need to do.
Finally, you can now preview the violation before printing to ensure you have all the data correct.
To go to part 2 of this article, on LPR Enforcement, click here.