New as of March 17, 2020

The Payments Management Page is a filter-based reporting tool that can be used in replacement of the Payments Reconciliation report (which we've left in SecurePark if that's still something you want to use). 

Below is an overview of what the Payments Management page looks like:

As you can see, the Payments Management page is housed on its own tab (top page). It is also similar to the Violations Management and Sessions Management pages, providing various filters and options to produce curated reports. 

The important differences on this page between the Violations and Sessions Management pages are the Source, Payment Type and Payment Method filters. 

Source filter

The Source defines where the payment was taken from. 

- Public User Payment: This is a payment from the public violation payment page (this applies to only violations)

- Admin User Payment: This is a payment done by an Admin via any internal system (not the public violation payment page); this includes both validations and violations

- External System Payment: These are payments from outside sources, such as integrations with violation management systems or third-party payment processing

Payment Type

- Violation Payment: any payment on a violation

- Session Payment: any payment on a session (or validation) 

- Violation Convenience Fee: only violation convenience fee payments

- Session Convenience Fee (not shown): only session or validation convenience fee payments

Payment Method 

The various different payment methods supported by SecurePark 

Additional Filters

Additional filters may also be selected, if desired. By default they are all shown, but you can also filter by the Violation Types, the Users, and the Regions of the plates. 

Results Data

The resulting data can be exported to an excel spreadsheet (which has additional columns than what is shown on this page). 

The important things we'd like to point our are the subtotals above the left corner of the results: 

In more detail, we show you the following: 

Number of Records: this is the total number of records displayed in the report. Since we limit the search results to 100 (if you want to see all, you'll need to export the report) this gives you the total number if that's all you're interested in. 

Payment Transactions: this is the total number of payment transactions found in the results. The report shows every single payment, or in simpler terms, every single separate violation or validation that's paid. However, sometimes you may want to know how many separate transactions there were, not separate violations paid.

Use Case: you want to compare the number of violation convenience fees SecurePark sent you an invoice for, to the number of transactions you have processed in a specific month. You would select the following:

Date Range (monthly) 

Times: Leave as-is (12:00 AM to 11:59 PM)

All Groups and Locations

Source: Public User Payment & Admin User Payment only

Payment Type: Violation Payment only

Payment Method: Credit Card only

These results will show you all payments, however all you'll be interested in is the Transaction Count which should match your invoice. 

Total Amount: The total amount of money collected for the specified filters.