The Violations Management page is a powerful tool to manage all of the violations issued in the system - through this page you can search for specific violations by a variety of parameters such as date ranges, locations, by patrollers, through violation types, and multiple others.

Full or Partial Search by Violation Number or Licence Plate

Violations can be searched by violation number or license plate, using either a full or partial license plate or violation number. To search, type in a full or partial license plate or violation number in the corresponding field and click SEARCH.

Search by Date Range
Violations can be searched by date range. To search, select the Start and End Date and click Search. The search results will display all violations written in that date range.

Advanced Search
Violations can be searched using a wide variety of parameters and through the Action Indicator field selections.  Any combination of search parameters can be used, which will return the relevant search results based on those parameters.  Use the drop down menu on each Action Indicator to return relevant search results.

Once you have selected your parameters, you can then click Search and pull up the data. From here, you can select one or multiple violations and apply action items to the selected violations. 

Violations can be further managed by clicking on the Inv# or by clicking on View Details to the right. 

By clicking Export to Excel, you can download the entire report to your computer.