Navigate to Settings > Company > Users

Here you can:

  • Add new users
  • Edit user details 
  • Edit user permissions 

While adding a new user you can choose the areas of the application that this user will have access to. Go to Settings > Company > Users, then click on New User

User permissions are broken into 2 areas:
Accessible Areas
Accessible Features

Accessible Areas

Accessible areas correspond to the tabs within SecurePark Enforcement and whether or not a user will have access to that tab.

For example
This user only has access to Reports. You can see that this user will only have access to reports tab when they log in. 

Accessible Features

Allows you to restrict the actions a user can take on a violation.

For example
This user does not have permission to void a violation. You may want to limit the users within your company that can void violations.

Accessing the Mobile App

If you require a user to have access to the mobile app (as a patroller), under "Accessible Features" at the very bottom, be sure that "Has access to mobile app" is checked off (see below)

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