To install Roker Patrol Mobile App on any Android device, follow the instructions below. Please note, Roker Patrol is not currently available for Apple devices.  

Step 1

Navigate to the Google Play Store. In the search bar, enter in Roker Patrol. The app will pop up at the top; click Install (see below).

Step 2

Once Roker Patrol is installed, open up the app (it should be found under your "Apps" section on your phone). Once opened, the login screen below will be displayed.

Step 3

To access the Patrol App you will need to have signed up for an account in Roker Enforcement Admin Console. For more information on this, see the Quick Start Guide

Enter your email address and password and click LOG IN.


Add your email address to your dictionary so that it comes up as a word choice when entering your log-in. Go to settings --> language and input --> Samsung Keyboard -->Text shortcut, add your email address