Step 1

First, be sure you're logged into the Roker Enforcement web console as an administrator (or primary administrator) and have access to the import function. Then, click on the Import tab.

Note: If you don't have access, you will need to ask the primary administrator of your account to give you Import permissions

Step 2 - Violation Import

Download the template and open it up - it will look exactly like the below. 

As you can see in the above template, the license plate and violation numbers are all filled out, but only selected actions are marked as TRUE. 

  • License Plate: (required) The license plate attached to the violation 
  • Violation #: (required) The violation number attached to the license plate 
  • Void: (optional) Enter TRUE if you would like to void this violation. Leave blank if you do not want it voided, or to leave the violation as-is. 
  • Undo Void: (optional) Enter TRUE if this invoice has already been voided, but you would like to undo the void. Leave blank if you would like to leave the invoice as-is. 
  • CL1 Sent: (optional) Enter TRUE if this violation has had it's first collection letter sent out. Leave blank to leave the violation as-is.
  • CL2 Sent: (optional) Enter TRUE if this violation has had it's second collection letter sent out. Leave blank to leave the violation as-is. Note, the violation must first have been marked as CL1 Sent in order for this to work
  • CA Sent: (optional) Enter TRUE if this violation has been sent to a collections agency. Leave blank to leave the violation as-is. Note, the violation must first have been marked as CL1 Sent and CL2 Sent in order for this to work. 
  • Tow: (optional) Enter TRUE to mark this violation with a tow check. Leave blank to leave the violation as-is. 

Note: Leaving any of the above optional actions blank will leave the violation as-is: if a violation has already been voided previously and you leave the void field blank, it will stay voided. If it has already been voided and you enter TRUE under Void, it will still be voided.
You may choose any number of actions to change. 

Step 3 - Violation Import

Delete the three example violations, and enter in your own. Once you're finished, save the document (it should automatically be saved as a csv file). In Roker Enforcement, go to Advanced > Import > Violation Import, and select Choose File.  Choose the csv file you saved, and then click Upload. 

If everything was uploaded, you will see a green popup at the top of the screen with "Updated X violations" 

If there was an error, the remaining violations will update correctly, but an error message will show in red at the bottom, as seen below: 

This means there was an error updating this specific plate (or violation number). Make a note of these errors, if they do occur, and either resubmit a separate spreadsheet with the fixed errors, or edit the violation manually. 

If there are multiple errors happening on a regular basis, please contact us at with further details.