
Within this guide, there are links to other articles that show specific steps and offer more information to customize your set-up to best fit your organization.

1. Downloading and Setting up the App

The mobile app can be downloaded from the Google Play Store by searching Roker Patrol, or you can find it at the following link:

Be sure to set up automatic updates so that the app is always running the latest version: running old versions of the app can cause problems. 

You, as the primary admin, have full access to the app and can log in with the email and password you created in step 1 above. 

3. Adding Users

The Primary Admin (the person who set up the initial account will always be a primary admin) will also be able to set up other users, of which there are three types: 

  • Primary Admin
  • Admin
  • Patroller

Each of these users have the ability to be set up with different accessible areas of the console; for instance, if an admin doesn't need access to the validations tab, you can set that up as being an inaccessible area of the console and they will not be able to see it at all. 

All users can be set up in the admin console through Settings -> Company -> Users.

For more information on creating users, click here.

4. Adding a Group and Location

Before you begin patrolling, you'll need to set up a group, and a location under that group. See the links below for more information on how to do that. 

Managing your groups
Managing your locations

5. Configuring a Violation Invoice

What do you want your invoice to read? Do you need it to include payment details? What about an appeals process, or disclaimers? This can all be done through Settings in the admin console. More information about configuring an invoice can be found here.

6. Setting a Cost Structure

A cost structure is not necessary, but it's a great tool to use and know. Setting a cost structure can be a little tricky, so we've written a more in-depth article on how to do that here

7. Issuing Violations

As soon as you have downloaded the Mobile App and acquired a printer (something you can buy right from Roker Enforcement: contact us at support@rokerinc.com to get your own), you can log in and begin issuing violations! For more information on Issuing Violations click here.

8. Violation Management

Now that you have begun issuing violations, you will need to manage those violations and can do so within the admin console at app.enforcement.rokerinc.com. You can search, view and perform many actions on the violations you have issued. For a more in-depth article on violations management, see here

9. Validations

Validations can be manually added in Roker Enforcement, or retrieved through an external integration, to validate vehicles at locations. You may want to add individual Validations or Permit Parkers for a set amount of time. To find out more, click here.

10. Reporting

You'll want to be able to pull reports. Roker Enforcement provides a number of reports that you may want to use within your organization to quickly gather information. Click on the links below to learn more about each different report. 

a) Payments Reconciliation Report
b) Collections Report
c) Violation Due Summary Report
d) Violation by Patroller Report
e) Parking Sessions Report
f) KPI Report
g) Violation Audit Report

11. Setting up Payment Gateway

You will need to set up a payment gateway in order to receive payments through Roker Enforcement. Click here for a more in-depth article on setting up a payment gateway.

12. Setting up Payment Page

Your payment page allows you to provide a customized website that you can link your customers to in order to pay for violations. To find out more, click here.